

Meet Partner:

07 February 2025

The project's logo consists of a circle made of different orange lines completed with the project's name "EnCycLEd".
The Kyiv Vocational School in Ukraine is a member of the EnCycLEd consortium, belonging to the team that will test the materials and platform produced by the EnCycLEd project.

The KVS team will carry out careful evaluations to validate the content and ensure that it is accurate and appealing to students, ensuring this way that the project’s educational resources meet the high standard of quality and impact.
The Kyiv Vocational School plays an important role in validating educational materials piloting the project using the EnCycLEd platform within their educational program.

Thanks to all involved KVS members for their dedicated work in the project and for having prepared a comprehensive video with students participation: https://youtu.be/wbn3oBpudJ4