Andrii Paziuk
Andri Paziuk is the CEO, Vice President, and Co-founder of the UACS responsible for managing staff and activities. He participated in the US Department of States Fulbright professional development program in National Security and Cybersecurity Governance at American University Washington College of Law. He has been Associate Professor in International Cybersecurity Law at Taras Shevchenko National University since 2012. He managed the Cybersecurity Curriculum Development Program for vocational schools and colleges in Ukraine in 2018/19, National Cybersecurity Occupational Standards Task Force of SSSCIP as Deputy Chair in 2021/22; Cybersecurity Preparedness Lead and Senior Advisor of the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity/DAI Global LLC (2020/21). He is currently also a non-staff Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine in charge of cybersecurity and digital resilience.
In the project, Andrii will manage engagements with the network of Ukrainian vocational schools and universities, the professional cybersecurity community, and governmental cybersecurity stakeholders.